What the media reports


Here you will find a number of interesting press reports from Germany and abroad.

Vide repots can be found here.

Koi meets sturgeon

Koi meets sturgeon

Article from 05. October 2016 in the Stadtspiegel, Iserlohn
When Lothar Primus feeds his valuable Kois, one has the feeling that the water “bubbles”.

Sometimes it does have to be Caviar

Sometimes it does have to be Caviar

Article in Welt am Sonntag on the 1st November 2009
Lothar Primus breeds on his farm in the Sauerland sturgeons, which give the desired Fisheggs. Experts say the product is tasting as good as wild caviar, but its cheaper…

Sometimes it does have to be Caviar! Primus is the star in sturgeonheaven

Sometimes it does have to be Caviar! Primus is the star in sturgeonheaven

Article in Wochen Kurier on 29th August 2009
“It doesn`t always have to be Kaviar” was the Titel of an article about Lothar Primus` Fischgut in the year 2000 in the Wochenkurier. “Meanwhile it can be caviar again”, says the successful fishengineer from the Grüner Tal during the present visit in 2009.

Caviar instead of Milk

Caviar instead of Milk

Article in Bild on 15th May 2009
Farmer capitulate to the low sellout prizes. Agrarian experts recommend to change their business into aquacultures with sturgeon, catfish and co.

Kaviar of its finest

Kaviar of its finest

Article in Wochenkurier on 15th December 2008
To follow tradition the Auqa Primus GmbH did invite to taste the precious caviar. Because the ocean is overfished und illegal catches and water pollution in the Kaspean Sea brings with it extreme rising of prizes…

Sturgeon Delicatesse

Sturgeon Delicatesse

Article in Top-Magazine Szene Sauerland on 10th December 2008
How does the legendary favorite dish of czars and kings come to be in Iserlohn? This question was answered at the beginning of December at the caviar event in Räucherkate Primus in Iserlohn.

News from the fishbranch.

News from the fishbranch.

Article in Fishmagazine in December 2008
Starting with March Aqua-Primus first time offering of sturgeon Caviar
In coming March the sturgeon – and Koi-carp breeder Lothar Primus is going to offer sturgeon Caviar from his own production in Iserlohn, the Westdeutschen Allgemeinen Zeitung (WAZ) wrote in their Internet-magazine “Der Westen”.

It doesn`t have to be St. Petersbourgh

It doesn`t have to be St. Petersbourgh

Article in Iserlohner Kreisanzeiger on 1st December 2008
Traditionell sturgeon breeding: caviar from Iserlohn
Seilersee, Dechenhöhle, College of Applied Science – that’s what first comes to mind if you think about Iserlohn. Caviar on the other hand does not belong to the first associations in regard to the Märkish city; the exquisite delicatessen are thought to be found in Moscow or St. Petersbourgh…

Successful in our Region

Successful in our Region

Article in Iserlohner Kreisanzeiger on 10th December 2008
Very successful following the “step-by-step-principle” is the Fischgut Primus, which is looking back unto a long history of expension.

Opening of the first sturgeon aquaculture in Romania

Opening of the first sturgeon aquaculture in Romania

Article in a Romanias State newspaper on 23rd September 2008
The opening ceremony was performed by the president of ANPA Mr. Gheorghe Stefan, in attendance were the president of Banat Sturio Dr. Dorel Lazu and the prominent politicians, as well as the constructor Lothar Primus.

“It was nearly a total loss”: Primus-Team in “flood-combat”

“It was nearly a total loss”: Primus-Team in “flood-combat”

Article in Iserlohner Kreisanzeiger on 10th August 2007
Kyrill-aftermath: surface water is not bound in the earth in places that were hit by a hurricane; At 10.00 p.m. water masses hit the fishfarm and flooded the property so that even the firefighters could almost not reach the sight …

It doesn`t have to be always Caviar

It doesn`t have to be always Caviar

Article in Westfalenpost 29th March 2006
In Iserlohn is Germanys biggest sturgeon farm
The name is the agenda:
Lothar Primus is the Number one in Germany. The Iserlohner inhabitant owns the biggest sturgeon farm in the republic. At the beginning of the 90th he started to develop in Sauerland a promising reproduction method. Meanwhile even the Russian breeders are interested in the knowledge about the biggest freshwater fish in the world.

Big Fish from Grüner Tal

Big Fish from Grüner Tal

Article in Westfälische Rundschau on 29th March 2006
Germanys’ biggest Koi-carp- and sturgeonfarm is located in Iserlohn – fish moves from outside pond to new indoor facility
The Grüner Tal in Iserlohn, a little apart from the main streets, you can find the home of Germanys` biggest Koi-carp- and sturgeonfarm. Here Lothar Primus breeds the really Big Fish and sells them around the world.

Moving sturgeons becomes „media event“

Moving sturgeons becomes „media event“

Article in Iserlohner Kreisanzeiger on 29th March 2006
Fischgut Primus presents new breedingbasins;
It was quiet wet from above in the beginning, but then the weather became more and more pleasant allowing quiet an audience to watch the spectacle: some of the sturgeons for spawning were moved in the shovel of a wheel loader from one of Fischgut Primus` outside ponds to the near basins of the newly built hall with all in all 1,1 Million ltr. Volume.

Moving in a shovel: sturgeons get a new home

Moving in a shovel: sturgeons get a new home

Article in Westfälische Anzeiger on 29th March 2006
More space for breeding program: Iserlohn`s Fischgut Primus opens new production facility. In front of a numerous audience fishes of up to 200 kg were moved. The favorite occupation of sturgeon is feeding, sleeping and growing. This combination causes them to become enormously big and heavy.

News from company

News from company

Article in Iserlohner Stadtspiegel on 29th March 2006
A huge media circus took place on Tuesday at Fischgut Primus, In der Bräke in Iserlohn

Adventurous Russia – Sibiria in six days

Adventurous Russia – Sibiria in six days

Article in Wochen Kurier on 25th March 2006
Lothar Primus presented his know-how as a sturgeon breeder at three conferences in Astrachan. “Exhausting, but ultimately interesting and for some parts really adventurous.” Even the short summery makes you wanting to know more.

“Diving” at Primus: Koi-carp breeding with know-how

“Diving” at Primus: Koi-carp breeding with know-how

Article in Iserlohner Stadtspiegel on 13th July 2005
The sturgeon has really to be “peaceful”, because in the show basin, where a window provides the spectators with a good view, impressing specimens fly gracefully through the water at the same time when the children are swimming at the surface. But first its Koi-carp in detail. Hygiene is everything. Therefore the system is divided into different sections.

Fishfarming with microchip and scanner

Fishfarming with microchip and scanner

Article in Iserlohner Kreisanzeiger on 1st May 2004
Koi-carp and sturgeon from Grüner Tal Fishengineer Lothar Primus is well thought after. Since the beginning of spring almost every owner of a garden pond awaits the new season. Mr. Primus cell phone is not a minute at a standstill. He answers questions about fish for garden ponds or ornamental fish nearly as fast as questions about technical Details about his new showroom.

Purchasing fish is a matter of trust

Purchasing fish is a matter of trust

Article in May 2002
Primus stands for quality
To purchase fish is a matter of trust: like cauliflower, or rolls the fish cannot answer for his origin.

Paws aid fishes in struggle for life

Paws aid fishes in struggle for life

Article in Westfalenpost on 30th October 2001
construction work at pond in citypark: Animals moved / water stays out until spring; Its cold this morning in Hagen`s citypark. Lothar Primus takes a good look at the pond. The struggle for life in the sticky mud takes only seconds. Then two big paws are grabbing and the carps are saved.

Citipark pond is to be improved: hundreds of fish and 22 ducks have to move

Citipark pond is to be improved: hundreds of fish and 22 ducks have to move

Article in Westfälische Rundschau on 30th October 2001 –
But the goldfish fights back. It was possible only with great effort to catch the fish and bring it into the big basket- where he was awaited already by his fellow fish from the citypark`s pond. The inhabitants of this lake have to move, since their home is to be improved.

It doesn`t have to be always caviar …

It doesn`t have to be always caviar …

Article in Wochen Kurier on 20th May 2000 –
Primus breeds precious fish
“If you kill a sturgeon like that, it´s like crashing your BMW”, Lothar Primus commented on his relation to his prized fish, the sturgeons.

New standards…

New standards…

Article in Iserlohner Stadtspiegel in July 1999 –
New standartds in fishproduction are set by Fischgut Primus, In der Bräke 8.

Germanys biggest sturgeons admired at Kalthofs farmermarket!

Germanys biggest sturgeons admired at Kalthofs farmermarket!

Article in Wochen Kurier on 31st August 1996 –
Fischgut owner Lothar Primus from the Obergrüne breeds big sturgeons and shows the most amazing speciemens at the farmermarket in Kalthof. The similarity to sharks is amazing, but sturgeons are harmless!

Lothar Primus breeds salmon since January

Lothar Primus breeds salmon since January

Article in Iserlohner Stadtspiegel in August 1993 –
In the Obergrüne fishfarming is possible under natural conditions
Six years ago fishengineer Lothar Primus took over the Fischgut in the Obergrüne in Iserlohn. He has a rare occupation, that asks a lot of idealism, responsibility and readiness to make sacrifices.

Trouts and salmon from the Bräke

Trouts and salmon from the Bräke

Article in Wochen Kurier in March 1993 –
A man from Düsseldorf was laying the foundation of the fishfarm in 1925.
It took a industrialist from Düsseldorf to show the people from the Sauerland that they have the perfect water for trouts.

Carp for New Years eve fresh from the lake

Carp for New Years eve fresh from the lake

Article in Westfälische Rundschau in December 1989 –
A film about fishes triggered the wish for a career in the twelve-year old. After a training and three years as an apprentice Lothar Primus now owns already for two years a fishfarm in the Grüner Tal. Together with his girlfriend Marion Krämer the now twentyfour-year old tenant of the Fischgut Bräke farms trouts, salmon-trout, carp and bream.

Fischgut “Bräke”

Fischgut “Bräke”

Article in Iserlohner Stadtspiegel on 10th February 1988 – Fresh green trouts
Lothar Primus is a fish-fan since he was twelve years old; “At that time I saw a TV-show about a fish farm in Bavaria. I was taken with it and from then on, my goal was to do the same when I was grown.”


7 + 1 =


In der Bräke 8
D-58644 Iserlohn

Phone & E-Mail

+49 (0) 2371 – 510 43

Opening hours

Monday - Tuesday: day of rest
Wednesday - Thursday: 13:30 - 18:00 o'clock
Friday: 10:00 - 18:00 o'clock
Saturday: 10:00 - 13:00 o'clock
Sunday: 10:00 - 13:00 o'clock

Of course, you can also pick up orders outside opening hours by telephone arrangement.